A Note


NYTimes: Airbag Maker Takata Saw and Hid Risk in 2004, Former Workers Say

Alarmed by a report a decade ago that one of its airbags had ruptured and spewed metal debris at a driver in Alabama, the Japanese manufacturer Takata secretly conducted tests on 50 airbags it retrieved from scrapyards, according to two former employees involved in the tests, one of whom was a senior member of its testing lab.

The steel inflaters in two of the airbags cracked during the tests, a condition that can lead to rupture, the former employees said. The result was so startling that engineers began designing possible fixes in preparation for a recall, the former employees said.

But instead of alerting federal safety regulators to the possible danger, Takata executives discounted the results and ordered the lab technicians to delete the testing data from their computers and dispose of the airbag inflaters in the trash, they said.

(「そのテストに関わった二人の元従業員 ---- その一人は製品の試験を行うlabの重役だった ---- によれば、10年前にアラバマで起きた、自社のエアバッグが破れ金属片をドライバーに向けて射出した件に関するリポートへの懸念から、日本のメーカータカタは、スクラップヤードから50のエアバッグを回収して秘密裏に製品テストを行った。

そのうち2つのエアバッグにおいてsteel inflatorにヒビが入った。元従業員によれば、それは上記のようなエアバッグの致命的な破壊につながりかねない事態であり、その結果に驚いたタカタのエンジニアは将来のリコールに備え、可能な改善策の検討を始めた。


