A Note


Entries from 2013-12-01 to 1 month

The Daily Dot - Samsung's response to a customer whose phone caught fire only made things worse Guy's Galaxy S4 catches on fire. Samsung demands proof before replacing it. Guy puts his proof on YouTube. Samsung asks him to take it down and…


「Local News」の定義 「Moderately attractive people tell us stories we learned on the Internet 7 hours ago」(そこそこ見た目のいい人たちが、もう7時間前にネットで読んで知っている話をまた教えてくれる番組)

Porn Star Agents: Inside Their Risky Business On a late-summer afternoon in a dingy San Fernando Valley apartment, talent agent Mark Spiegler is having it out with a producer. Pacing the length of the living room that for the past nine yea…