A Note


agent pro|vo|ca|teur /'æʒɒn prɒvɒkət'ɜːr/ (agents provocateurs)

An agent provocateur is a person who is employed by the government or the police to encourage certain groups of people to break the law, so they can arrest them or make them lose public support.

"Agents provocateurs may seek to discredit the opposition."


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Lanvin made such beautiful clothes for her daughter that they began to attract the attention of a number of wealthy people who requested copies for their own children.


へーそうなんだ。PitbullのI Know You Want Me(Enbed禁止されてた)、に乗せてモデルがKawaii けど Kimoi、Danceを踊るLanvinのキャンペーンだが、しかしPitbullって誰すごいねこのハゲ!(ごめん) ウノ、ドス、トレス、クアトロって言ってるし、なんかプエルトリコからの移民ですみたいな感じがするけど。再生数が2億回に届くじゃん。LanvinKawaii Dance。これは明らかに日本のKawaii感覚に影響を受けてるな? アンパン食べちゃた歩かないと。あーKawaiiの次はKimoiだなきっと。Iki、Kawaii、Kimoi。