A Note


Roberto Bolaño Quotes:

“While we search for the antidote or the medicine to cure us, the new, that which can only be found in the unknown, we must continue to turn to sex, books, and travel, even knowing they will lead us into the abyss, which, as it happens, is the only place we can find the cure.”

This, in any case, was Bolano at his most serious. He put it another way in the last interview before his death, when he was asked what gave him hope. “I have hope in children. In children and warriors. In children who fuck like children and warriors who fight like brave men.”

"Roberto Bolaño" の、小文字のエヌの上に線が延ばされたエヌは発音でも違うのだろうか。スペインがかつて世界の国々を暴力的な手段を用いて植民地とし、支配していた名残で、スペイン語という一つの言葉を覚えるだけで様々な国々のかなり大勢の人々と話をすることができるようになる。日本語を覚えたところで日本人としか話せないのとはかなり違う。Roberto Bolañoというのはチリに生まれてバルセロナで死んだ詩人であり作家だ。

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